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Tuesday, January 21, 2025


    Invest Time in your CRM

    Katy Stephenson, Marketing Manager of Itec Systems explains How To Maximise Your CRM With Training

    Your recruitment CRM sits at the core of your business’ processes and employees’ productivity. So, what happens if your consultants don’t know how to navigate their way around it or use it effectively? Poor productivity, reduced revenue and lower ROI. We don’t want that, do we?

    If only people knew the benefits of training their workforce properly.

    • Your consultants would be able to use the CRM more efficiently.
    • Misunderstandings about the CRM’s functionality can be avoided.
    • Processes can be improved by using a CRM to its full potential which could save money elsewhere in the business.
    • Key business decisions can be easier to make when you know the capabilities of the CRM.

    Now you know why you need to focus your attention on training, here’s how you do it.

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    Appointing An Internal Trainer

    For larger businesses, it would be wise to appoint an internal trainer for several reasons. For starters, it will cut down the cost of having all your users trained by the supplier as this can end up being pretty expensive. It also means you can react to users’ questions quickly without having to wait for the supplier’s training team to get back in touch.

    The beauty of having an internal trainer is that they know both the business and the CRM inside out. This comes in handy when creating training resources for users which are specific to your business and processes but also when it comes to enforcing usage and best practice.

    Internal trainers ideally need to be someone who has an influence in the business and understands the software so they can determine how it will be used. Being the go-to person for all things CRM related, it is vital that they are trained to a high standard by the supplier to ensure they know their stuff before they pass on their knowledge to the rest of the business. Otherwise, it completely defeats the point of having an internal trainer!

    Identifying Knowledge Gaps

    There’s no point in training users on the same thing over and over again so prior to delivering any training, you must make sure you know what functionality users need training on. Your trainer (internal or external) should identify what users know and where the knowledge gaps sit. After that, they can design a course or send out training materials that specifically cover what your users need to know.

    Booking Training

    Whether your users are going to be trained by an internal or external trainer, you’ll need to think about booking training. This can be done online, face to face or through resources including videos and manuals. You should remember that employees have different job functions, levels of knowledge and preferred ways of learning so you might require different courses and types of content for different users.

    Sharing Resources

    One of the easiest ways of helping train your users is to share both yours and the supplier’s training resources with them and make them easily accessible.

    If they have a newsletter where they provide user tips then encourage your users to sign up to it by sending everyone the link. You should also send out links to training videos and articles when there are functionality updates or a new integration so people can start learning from the get-go.

    If you don’t already, it’s about time you focus more of your attention on training using the points above. It’s a no brainer that it can help increase ROI, all it requires is some time and effort. And don’t forget, your supplier should be there to help you get the most out of your recruitment CRM so always ask if they have any recommendations on how you can get your users to adopt it.

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