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Tuesday, February 11, 2025


    Social Improvement

    Dan Stobbs, Head of Social Media at BlueSky PR shares three tips for improving your recruitment firm’s social media content.

    Are you simply clicking ‘post’ and hoping for the best when it comes to your recruitment firm’s social media? If so, you’re doing it wrong.

    Social media needs a lot more than luck for it to be a success. It takes thought, structure and strategy to produce content that raises awareness, generates meaningful engagement and creates leads for your business.

    Here are three simple tips you can use to improve your recruitment firm’s social media content and achieve your objectives.

    1. Provide Value at All Times
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    No matter what content you post, it must provide some form of value to your candidates or clients. Before you share anything on your social channels you should think about its potential value and ask yourself ‘why are we sharing this?’ and ‘what is the value for our target audience?’

    Answering these two questions will not only help ensure that all of your published posts share high-quality content, but your posts will also appear far less promotional and more authentic as you will be able to clearly highlight their value when writing the copy.

    Adopting this value-driven approach will help position your recruitment firm as a credible leader in its sectors of expertise and create top-of-mind awareness – so that when potential candidates or clients are looking to use a recruitment firm yours will be the first name that springs to mind.

    1. Repurpose Content

    One of the two most common mistakes that recruitment firms make on social media is repeating the same posts over and over again across their channels.

    While there is nothing wrong with recycling posts, particularly top-performing ones, instead of repeating them word for word you should think about how you can repurpose them for maximum engagement. As not only will this become tiresome for followers who have already seen the original post, but on Twitter it is against the platform’s rules to post identical tweets and this could see action taken against your account.

    For example, you could change the focal point of a job post from being about the benefits the role offers to the expected career progression that the successful candidate is likely to experience.

    And it doesn’t just stop at writing different variations of copy. You could produce a series of images that highlight various aspects of the role, or position your recruiters at the front and centre of what you do by filming a short video of a consultant discussing what the job entails. These ideas will help ensure that your content stands out in increasingly noisy news feeds and appeals to the different needs and motivations of your target audience.

    The second mistake that many firms make is the polar opposite of the first — where a blog is posted only once on their channels and never again as they feel that once it is out on social, then it is ‘old news’.

    However, this could not be further from the truth. With organic reach continuing to fall across social media platforms and the average lifespan of a tweet reportedly around 18 minutes, it is likely that a large proportion of your audience will not have seen the posts the first time around and they should, therefore, be repurposed.

    For a blog post, you could create a graphic which features a powerful pull-quote or compelling statement from the blog or, if it features several statistics, design an infographic which highlights some of the most attention-worthy stats, or even use emojis in the post text to highlight the figures.

    1. Ensure Visuals are Accessible

    Social media content should be accessible to all users, regardless of disabilities or special needs. And with disabled people more than twice as likely to be unemployed as non-disabled people, it is fair to say that the recruitment industry should be doing more to help reduce the barriers to entry.

    Thankfully, there a few ways in which you can utilise social media to help achieve this. For example, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter all support alt text which means that it is now easier than ever to produce content that is inclusive for all audiences.

    Alt text, also known as alternative text, allows social media users to add a text description to images so that those with visual or cognitive disabilities are still able to understand what an image features when using assistive technology such as screen readers.

    Data also shows that 85% of Facebook videos are viewed with the sound off. With this in mind, it is vital that marketers add captions and subtitles to all social media videos, so that not only do they capture the attention of users scrolling through their busy feeds but they are easily consumable for those who are hearing-impaired.


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